Introduction to TRIZ
We would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar organised by PDMA Central Europe.
The webinar is an introduction to TRIZ (the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) which is a very popular method, especially in the engineering community. The scope of the webinar focuses on the approach to solving complex problems and on the basic TRIZ tools. The session will be held by Łukasz Zając who is expierienced TRIZ practitioner (certified level 3) who spent years solving problems in the textile industry.
Who will benefit?
- Entrepreneurs
- Heads of product and R&D Departments
- Heads of engineering and technical departments
- Engineers
- Product managers
What you will learn
- Basic TRIZ tools
- How TRIZ helped to develop the products you know
15:00 – Start
- Introduction to the method & its history
- Why TRIZ is used in the innovative companies
- Stages of TRIZ projects
16:00 – Q&A
16:30 – End

Łukasz Zając
TRIZ Trainer and Consultant, Rokanan Group
How to register
You can register via form below or by sending an email with your name, organization you represent and a role to
Webinar is free of charge.
Thursday 13 May 2021
From 15:00 to 16:30
Webinar will be held using Zoom.
Register now
Don’t wait, the webinar is free, but number of sits limited