Alina Kubiak

Alina Kubiak

President of the Board PDMA CE


Alina has over 15 years of experience as a business strategy and marketing manager, mainly in the med-tech industry. In her career, she was responsible for reinvigorating brands, GTM strategies, as well as building new business models. She co-created educational projects for the medical industry in the field of hospital infrastructure and workflow optimization in the operating theater. Involved in activities aimed at improving patient experience in hospitals (UX, Patient Journey Mapping, Lean Healthcare). 

Classical ballet lover. Mom of two boys.

Michał Pietraszewski

Michał Pietraszewski

Treasurer of the Board PDMA CE

He holds a Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Economics at the University of Lódź and was a fellow at PennState University and Iowa State University. He has more than 20 years of experience in rising founds for innovation commercialization. Dr Pietraszewski is an expert at PARP, the Ministry of Energy and the member of the Scientific Board at Pomeranian Science and Technology Park. He published numerous papers about investment processes and technology transfer and financing.

Piotr Kowalski

Piotr Kowalski

Secretary of the Board PDMA CE

Graduate of Literature and Anthropology at the Jagiellonian University. Author of hundreds of e-learning courses as a e-Didactic. Programmer. CEO of the company introducing to the market specialized software for industry and education. He has successfully realized many EU projects under the “Innovative Economy” and “B2B” programmes.  Social activist. Co-founder of the foundation for children’s help, in which as a Product Manager he develops individual interfaces for children with neurological brain damage.

Grzegorz Kurzyp

Grzegorz Kurzyp

Board Member

For nearly 20 years he has been responsible for strategic and operational management and restructuring of key business areas. He specializes in transformation at the level of the entire organization and product portfolio. Expert and advisor to management boards in the field of building and developing companies and products, as well as implementing and optimizing business models.
Currently, product development director of the PWN Group. Academic lecturer, member of program councils, expert and mentor associated with the University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology, University of Economics in Katowice and Wrocław.